Make your visa journey easier.

Much easier!

Make your visa journey easier.

Much easier!

The DV Lottery

The easiest way to obtain a Permanent Resident status which allows to Live, Work and Study in the U.S.

Why everybody loves the DV Lottery

Eligibility Evaluation

Start by getting approved for the submission. Immediate online results.

Submit Validated Documents

Submit your entry to the DV program, Participate in the most prestige immigration program.

Green Card process

The formal green card process starts when you are selected for a diversity visa. This stage we submit documents and forms to the U.S autorities.

Start your qualification check

Submit your Green Card Application and find out if you are eligible.

For a simple eligibility test to the DV lottery, you don’t need a job and a family in the US.

Everyone has an “American Dream”. We see a million opportunities for the American dream becoming a reality every year. You can be one of a million legal immigrants to the US in the next few years.

The diversity visa program is designed to offer American dreamers around the world the opportunity of going legally without looking for a job first. You also don’t need a family member to sponsor you.

This makes most people around the world eligible for this type of immigration path. If you ever thought about immigrating and are serious about getting started, we can explain the process and get you started.

Green Card Benefits

Clients Testimony

Common Questions

Every year the United States gives away 55,000 US permanent resident visas, to winners of the Diversity Visa Program also known as Green Card Program.

Only countries that don’t send many immigrants to the U.S. You have to be eligibile: 

  1. You must be a native of a qualifying country
  2. Education or work experience that qualifies for the American DV Program.

Only countries that don’t send many immigrants to the U.S.

The average chance of winning a Green Card is about 1:100, depending on the region and year. Statistically, the chances being selected are higher than the odds of winning money in the lottery!