Make your visa journey easier.

Much easier!

Make your visa journey easier.

Much easier!

The Interview
Preparation package

Fulfill your journey to the US!

Interview Preparation Package

We offer a leading

Interview preparation package

Which aims to provide you with all the information, strategies, and interview practice you will need. It gives you all the needed to convince an interviewer of your honesty, sincerity and readiness to immigrate to the US. The interview is more of an assessment than a test. There are no exact right and wrong answers, but your personality, clarity and ability to state your case to become an American immigrant, are at risk.

Our interview

simulation session

Can take place on the phone or via a computer application connection. One of our highly qualified immigration interview advisors will take the place of a USCIS consular officer. Actual face-to-face interviews are usually 20 to 60 minutes in duration. We provide a 30 minute session which simulates real questions and feedback on your ability to convince the interviewer of your ability to earn a visa or green card.

This book is included

with tips, questions, and answers

The package contains the information you need to prepare yourself to explain your plans, intentions, and ability to immigrate properly.

The Interview Prepration Book includes :

Complete guide

To a quality interview ahead of
immigration and transition processes

Detailed questions

To practice before speaking with
an American consular officer

Live phone call

With an expert interview immigration

Don’t be stressed like a million Green Card interviewees!

Once in a lifetime interview to change your life can make anyone nervous. Prepare and build a plan for the big event. Find out what questions to expect. You will also get strategies to think positively. Show enthusiasm and confidence instead of worrying.

Getting a visa and going through immigration interviews are stressful events

All interviews are stressful. Interviewees on a daily basis know what to expect: politicians, reporters. This makes them confident and relaxed. When you are being interviewed only once in your life, you will be nervous. Avoid this fate. A plan and preparation are essential to give you confidence.

More than a million
Green Card interviews are done every year.

Yours Can Be Successful!

How can I plan and build my own interview strategy?

To build a plan, think of your future and how you are going to get there. What are your life plans? What goals do you have? What do you know about your destination? Who can be helpful in your new life? Most people don’t know enough details about their future life. Start learning and connecting with people to explain yourself. A strategy will come when you know the details and plan how to actually get to your goals.

We have experience and strategies

Our experienced interview coaches speak with hundreds of people. They hear confident immigrants and can help with your thinking, language and delivery. Knowing you from your file will help them suggest strategies. When you practice an interview with someone you will feel for the first time how the story you tell flows. You also have a chance to hear questions to clarify your story. Practicing with real people is the best way to prepare.

There is no one formula for stating your case

But there are specific issues you may need to deal with. Most interviews are serious and to the point. A personal impression of your case is useful in a decision to approve your immigration request.

We give you all the information and strategies

To convince an interviewer of your preparation to immigrate. With a test interview you also have the opportunity to feel a real interview situation. These product features give you the best preparation for your interview possible.

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